Urologic Oncology

Urologic Oncology Treatment In Mumbai

Urologic oncology deals with the study and treating of urology organ cancers. Thousands of men and women are diagnosed each year with cancer of the prostate, bladder, or kidney, as well as testicular cancer. Dr. Mangesh Patil is an Uro-Oncosurgeon in South Mumbai, and also has his own Urology clinic in Girgaon named as Urocare Clinic.

New breakthroughs in cancer care, experimental treatment options, and ongoing research into the causes and potential cures of urologic malignancies spell new hope for patients from all walks of life. Each of them can be cured by medical as well as surgical treatments that are available.

Cancer is a type of disease that starts in cells, makes up the skin or the tissue lining, or organs such as the liver or kidneys. Just like other types of cancer, it is abnormal cells that divide without control. They are able to spread to other parts of the body but they don’t always. An Uro-oncosurgeon is a specialist that treats problems related to the male and female urinary tract system and also the male reproductive organs.

Uro Oncology is a department of medication that treats tumors or cancers related to the urinary systems. Some of the cancers that come under Uro oncology include adrenal cancer, kidney cancer, bladder cancer, testicular cancer, prostate cancer, penile cancer, and pelvis cancer. The most commonly found and diagnosed urological cancer is prostate, bladder, and kidney cancers in comparison to others. 

Dr. Mangesh Patil is an Uro-oncosurgeon in South Mumbai, he is trained to treat urinary tract malignancies using a variety of tools and technologies along with saving healthy tissue. 

Renal cell cancer is also called kidney cancer. 95% of Renal Cancer or Clear Cell Cancer are observed these days. It is a type of cancer arising from proximal tubular epithelium (lining of tubules). It is twice as common in men than in women, occurring in fourth to sixth decades of life. Classic triads associated with it are Haematuria, Flank Pain and 10% of Abdominal Mass. Approximately half of the cases now detected incidentally on radiographic examination with following symptoms :

  • 33% of Weight loss cases
  • 20% of Fever cases
  • 20% of Hypertension cases
  • 5% of Hypercalcaemia cases
  • Night sweats cases
  • Malaise cases
  • Usually left sided Varicocoele cases

Major risk factors for causing this ailment are cigarette smoking and obesity.

  • Surgical excision is the primary treatment for organ confined RCC
  • Radical Nephrectomy, includes removal of the kidney en bloc with Gerota’s fascia, the ipsilateral adrenal gland,+/- regional lymph nodes is the standard therapy
  • Staging and evaluation for the presence of metastases, including a careful history-taking and physical examination, should be completed before surgery
  • Nephron-sparing Partial Nephrectomy has gained acceptance for treating tumors less than 4 cm in diameter
  • Renal Carcinoma Embolization
  • Robotic Nephrectomy/ Partial nephrectomy
  • Laparoscopic Nephrectomy
  • Immunomodulatory therapies
    • –Interferon Alfa,
    • –Interleukin
  • Interferon alfa and nephrectomy is superior to interferon alfa alone in metastatic disease
  • Chemotherapy
    • –Rates of response to chemotherapy alone are low (roughly 4 to 6 percent)

It is the 4th most common cancer in men and 10th most common cancer in women. Generally seen in people of age 68 years and above. Almost all bladder cancers are Urothelial in origin. The urothelium consists of three to seven cell mucosal later within the muscular bladder. Ninety percent of bladder cancers are Transitional Cell Cancer (TCC) and is found in developed countries.

80-90% of patients with bladder cancer present with painless gross haematuria, which is the classic presentation. Suspect bladder cancer if any patient presents with unexplained microscopic haematuria. 20-30% of patients with bladder cancer experience irritative bladder symptoms such as:

  • Dysuria
  • Urgency
  • Frequency of urination indicating more advanced muscle-invasive disease or CIS
  • Pelvic or bony pain
  • Lower-extremity oedema from iliac vessel compression
  • Flank pain from ureteral obstruction
  • For Superficial Bladder Cancer :
    • – U.R.B.T ( + deep muscle biopsy) – surveillance
    • – Intravesical immunotherapy (Bacillus Calmette-Guérin [BCG] (Ta, T1, CIS)
  • Treatments inducing nonspecific, cytokines-mediated immune response to foreign protein:
    • – Intravesical Chemotherapy
    • – Epirubicin/Mitomycin C
  • For muscle-invasive disease:
    • – Radical Cystectomy/Cystoprostatectomy
    • – Radiotherapy

It is a type of cancer common in young men between 20 to 44 years of age. Ninety percent of the time it is curable but, still painful. If you are suffering from painless unilateral swelling, scortal swelling after minor trauma, lower abdomen swelling or hydrocoele, it is an indication of major testicular cancer. Minor symptoms can be neck mass, cough or back pain.

This type of cancer is of three types:

  • Germ cell tumours
  • Non- Germ cell tumours
  • Others

Major risk factors are age, Cryptorchidism, family history, race, trauma and orchitis.

  • Localized Seminoma
    • – Inguinal Orchiectomy +/- Radiotherapy to Nodes
  • Seminoma with nodes
    • – Inguinal Orchidectomy + Platinum based chemotx
  • Nonseminomatous tumour
    • – Inguinal Orchidectomy +/- RPLND +/- Chemotx

Prostate cancer is cancer that occurs in the prostate, a small walnut-shaped gland in men that produces the seminal fluid that nourishes and transports sperm. Detection and treatment of organ-confined disease remains the only hope for cure. It has significant morbidity rate with palliation being the only treatment for advanced cases.


It is often a-symptomatic but, some of the noticeable symptoms are:

  • Symptoms of lower urinary tract obstruction may not be present
    • – Hesitancy, poor stream, nocturia.
    • – Post renal failure, uraemia & confusion
  • Bony pain
  • Anaemia
  • Haematuria (Due to BPH in 90% cases)
  • DRE – May have firm, nodular prostate

Some of the major risk factors are age, family history, diet of high saturated fat and vitamin D,E deficiencies. At times prostate cancer also presents Histological grading however, is not uniform.

  • Stage 1 or 2 disease
    • –Radical Prostatectomy
    • –Radiotherapy
  • Stage 3 or 4 disease
    • –Hormonal Therapy
    • –Watchful Waiting

With advancements in biotechnology fighting, any disease has become easier. Doctors and patients life has become more comfortable. In case if you are detected with any of the Urologic Cancer, book an appointment with Uro-oncosurgeon in South Mumbai Dr. Mangesh Patil also you can visit his Urology Clinic in Girgaon.


Dr. Mangesh Patil is a renowned Urologist, and is trained in Endourology and Robotic Surgery , with professional experience of more than 10 years .

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