Robotic surgery has been called one of the greatest advances in the war on cancer and many experts believe it is the wave of the future in medicine. By using computer-guided instruments, surgeons can be more precise in the operating room, leading to fewer complications and better cure rates for patients, particularly those with aggressive tumours. Dr. Mangesh Patil is a surgeon from Mumbai who holds highly credible experience in robotic surgery.
He is a skilled surgeon plus uses the technology of robotics which leads to good outcomes. Having efficient experience, he is famed for handling complicated cases with ease. He is committed to the patient and performs the entire case from the beginning to the end without technician’s intervention. In experienced hands, robotic surgery has a better cure rate and fewer complications, compared to conventional open surgery, studies have shown. That’s because the computer-assisted technology allows doctors to be more precise in operating the affected area, while sparing surrounding nerves and other tissues that, when cut or damaged, can lead to impotence, incontinence, and other complications. That, in turn, reduces the risk for follow-up treatments, such as radiation, chemotherapy, or hormone treatments. Cancer patients who undergo robotic-assisted surgery have fewer cancer cells at the edge of their surgery sites, less need for additional treatments, and fewer complications than patients who have open surgery. Dr. Mangesh works towards achieving these for all his patients.